Our Story

2011: after years of experience in management positions in important Italian and multinational groups in the Food & beverage sector, Emanuele Caldarola takes on a new challenge and creates his own business to offer his expertise to Italian entrepreneurs looking to grow in an increasingly competitive market, with a specialised service tailored to each project.

2015: as a result of the continuous and constant growth, the first company is founded: "Caldarola & Partners", specialising mainly in fresh products and involving new collaborators in the development of the agency.

2018: satisfied with the results obtained, our second company is created: "Talos", specialised in frozen products and other complementary products.

Our company operates in central and northern Italy, acting as a bridge between industry and large-scale distribution, organised distribution and the HORECA channel.

In just a few years, continuous growth has led to both an expansion of the organisational structure and the planning of an expansion of the structure with the recent opening of new offices.

Our Story


Our core activity is consultancy aimed at creating business opportunities with different distribution channels, after having examined with the entrepreneur the potential of each product and whether it meets the requirements of the market, both in terms of price and type of product.

Our other main activity is the creation of trade networks for companies. These trade networks are made up of representatives differentiated by distribution channels and territories.



Our greatest strength is our in-depth market knowledge. Years of experience in various corporate functions in the food industry have forged important skills and relationships.
Another key point is the customer service, which makes sure our customers never feel left alone but are continuously supported.

We have a different mindset than many competitors; thanks to our vast experience, we have an overall vision that goes beyond purely commercial issues.

Another lever is our 'problem-solving' attitude. We know the interlocutors, strategies and scenarios of the food distribution world, we have shared its history, we know how it is organised and we have relationships with the strongest and structurally sound players in our markets today.

In conclusion, our central strength is the reliability and seriousness of our people, a trademark recognised by all.



Thanks to our experience, we have achieved a considerable turnover and are now one of the leading agencies for representation and consultancy. A few years ago, we came out of nowhere and have achieved high positions nationwide in a short period of time.

We want to continue this growth trend on a national level and enter foreign markets. For this ambitious project, young Luigi Caldarola has joined our team with his excellent language and negotiation skills.



We select great products, with a choice of raw materials, with the right price-quality ratio from companies with a constant supply capacity.

We always try to understand how production companies work, and carefully evaluate their capabilities and solidity in order to present ourselves to partnership proposals with a portfolio full of information that demonstrate our great seriousness.

We offer solutions and prevent problems, we create product and service packages that ensure the full satisfaction of our customers.

We have a dedicated staff that is in contact with our clients at least biweekly, so that the customer never feels let down.

Although this comes at a cost, our passion for customer service is one of the reasons that led us to open this company. We have stood by our method, which has proven successful given the results we have achieved.


Contact Us

Caldarola Rappresentanze

Via Taro, 50/52
00199 Rome, Italy
+39 06 84 16 177
+39 392 97 18 010

Caldarola & Partners srls

info@caldarolasrls.com / ordini@caldarolasrls.com
IVA 13627801007

Talos srls

info@talossrls.com / ordini@talossrls.com
IVA 14126631002

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